Wednesday, 26 March 2008


Is it just me who seems to think everyone is having twins these days?

Especially celebs... I can't wait to see how Angelina Jolie does with twins. I don't know how she manages it already, I have an awful lot of respect for her even if I don't particulary think what she is doing is totally right. Man it must be difficult with 4 YOUNG kids and now twins on the way. I know how I felt during my pregnant with the girls, hopefully she's not having it too bad.

J-Lo is another who just had twins. I saw their pictures and they were nice but I mean.. who looks and does stuff like that 4 weeks after having twins?! Brought it back to me what I was like that.. times of permanently hanging around in the NICU and then when they got home trying to do anything just to get myself together!

Marcia Cross is another who had twins, though they are over a year now I think? They were born while I was still pregnant with my two... as did Dennis Quaid and Patrick Dempsey.

The celeb world is going crazy with twins. I would say it is fertility drugs that a lot of them are on.... surely the odds aren't that great?!


Alissa said...

Lisa Marie Presley apparently has twins on the way. I agree with your thoughts on J-Lo!

Anonymous said...

Well, I remember reading something about twins way back and one factor is the older you are the more likely you are to have them. Well most of these celebs aren't that young in the biological clock speaking.

Oh & how they do it? Well, I'm guessing some well paid nannies! ;)

Hope you're hanging in well these days!

Melissa (Andrew's mommy)