Saturday, 1 March 2008

Stupid computer.

Aw man. More computer issues. I don't know what was wrong with it this time but it just wouldn't switch on. We tried everything but it just decided it wasn't going to switch on. Took it in to the shop and within about an hour they rang us back saying it was fixed. After we had already waited like a week to see if it would fix itself! It just takes huffs with me every so often I think.

Anyway the girls are great. They are growing like weeds I don't think their Easter dresses are going to fix them, but I'm not upset about an excuse to take pics of them in their dresses early! I got a few great shots, so hard to get ones of them both smiling!

How cute are they?!

Chase is leaving so soon. I'm starting to freak out about it all, I know we have managed it before and it isn't for as long this time. But 3 months without him is still a long time, especially when we have two babies who are getting more mobile by the day! That really freaks me out. But I know it must be done and it's part of his job and who we are as a family. I support him 100% in it and I know it is right for us, and we can get through it all. Please keep us in your prayers at the moment however, they always help!

Amy xx


Anonymous said...

I have the cutest neices in the world!! I can't wait to see you guys!! Until then you know I'm only a call away sweetie.

Anonymous said...

Yay the twins are absolutely beautiful. Leo can't wait to see his girlfriends again! Make sure to give me a call when you get down!

Lots of love from the Kocanjers xx

Alissa said...
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Alissa said...

They're getting so big! Adorable!
Sophie has that dress too - well, she did, but grew out of it.. here's a pic.

(Sorry I deleted my last comment because the url was way too long!)