Friday, 25 April 2008

Giggle gurts.

OK.. first off, sorry about the last post! I thought I had uploaded pictures but they didn't come out when it posted, so hopefully I'll have better luck this time round!

My girls LOVE to laugh. They giggle at everything these days! Usually me acting like a complete and utter nutter to get them to laugh for pictures. They even laugh at each other, it's so cute.

If Madeleine will start to laugh, Corah will hear her laughing and sometimes laugh along with her! Or vice versa except it's usually Madeleine that starts off the laughter! I love it, of course I end up laughing too, we are just a houseful of laughter at the moment!

Anyway, here is a lovely laughter picture for you all, of my little piggies. Thanks to Lorna and Ryan for sending over these outfits a while ago - it's taken me until now to put them on the girls but I LOVE them. They look so cute as little piggies!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Sorry it's so big, I had to use tinypic to post it as the uploader tool here seems no longer to be working for me and I'm scared to resize it manually here as most of the time I distort it terribly! Thanks for understand!

Chase - We have been in touch and he's doing fine. Thanks to everyone for your continued thoughts and prayers :)


Tuesday, 22 April 2008

My lil 4lbers...

... are now average weight and height :O

They are all in the 43rd percentile for everything except for Corah's weight (17.1lbs) which is down in the high 20s.. but still...

from off the scale they have grown so much! Little weeds they are.. :)

Sharing a few pictures from a few weeks ago, I have quite a few new to get updated but I'm just gonna start from the beginning!


OK... I will post more later but lets just say darn computer problems (when is this beast ever NOT causing me problems.. I swear it hates me!) but $200 down and we are back in action :)