Sunday, 8 June 2008

New Siggy and Update.

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Carinna from HotGraphix made me this beautiful new siggy! I love it.... the girls rarely smile for pictures so when they were didI knew I had to get a siggy made of the pics!

The girls are doing great and I just want to give a great big fat apology for not updating this more!

Madeleine is trying her very hardest to walk! She has pulled herself up now on a few occasions and is totally proud of herself. I am yet to get a picture of her standing but I'm working on it! I'm always so proud to watch her when she does I forget to run for the camera!

Corah is crawling now which I am also VERY proud of. There was a time when I thought she would struggle to sit up on her own before a year.. so she is doing great. She still goes to her physiotherapist, but its doing great. They're doing some things in water now as well as massaging and things and she says Corah shouldn't have to go anymore past 18 months, when she should be caught up with her sister.

The girls have started babbling. I love it when they talk to me.. they have the cutest babbles. Madeleines favorite is "abuu" and Corahs is "puuuf" followed by a ton of spit deposited in my direction!

I am just a very proud Mommy!

Sunday, 1 June 2008

Mommy terrible at updating this thing!

Corah and Madeleine want Mommys attention all the time and don't want to let her update all her lovely friends about their daily lives!

Mommy misses Daddy lots and lots.

Oh yeah Mommy is gonna go crazy soon!

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Grocery shopping.

It seems to me these days that grocery shopping takes at least twice as long as it did before the twins!

This is not just down to the fact we have to buy certain things for two new family members... although that does contribute!

By the time I get there it's longer than usual. Strapping two babies into their carseats who very often don't want to go or sit in their carseats. Trying to leave one sitting somewhere where they will not roll off and kill themselves while I strap the other one into their seat.

Then we leave. It's no longer than 5 minutes to our nearest Walmart but at times it can feel like a million miles when one (or worse, both) of the girls are not happy about this latest venture to the supermarket.

When we arrive, I start the searching around for carts. Double carts are few and far between around this place.. so finally when I get one flagged down, I get both girls strapped on. There should be one seat at the front and another at the back.. not beside each other. Having the girls so close to each other is a deadly combination, only leading to punches being thrown from one to the other!

So we get moving. I am starting to get pretty flustered at this time... these days there is of course no time to make out a list. Those days are long gone! I run round as fast as I can.. trying to keep one eye on both girls and the other on the lane infront, making sure I am not banging into any unsuspecting passers by. My third eye is of course there to look for the things we need and pick it up without knocking the whole row over!

We endure the usual question time while out, taking us a good 15mins each day. Yep they're twins, they're both mine. Two girls (they're not boys in drag I promise), No they don't have matching names, Yep they were a big surprise to us. No we didn't have to have IVF, there is not a history of twins in the family, I do have my hands full... and of course.. no they are not identical!

By this time I am getting severly fed up. I usually grab a few things and run for it.. looking for the desk with the shortest possible queue. By this time one of the girls may have fallen asleep on the other.. or one screaming with hunger, or screaming with tiredness as they cannot sleep in the uncomfortable carts!

After we arrive back in the car.. I endure the difficult task of getting the groceries and kids back in the car. Back to normality... for a while anyway!

Oh the difficulty of some seemingly "everyday" chores.

Monday, 12 May 2008

Mommy Day.

Happy Mothers Day to all my fellow Mommy bloggers :) If you're a lurker.. Mommy or not.. I'd love to get to know you better. Leave me a comment at the end.. I love meeting new people and getting the motivation to keep going and post more often about my munchkins!

We had a lovely day. My Mom and Dad now up from Texas again to stay with us for a week - she was here yesterday we had a lovely day. I felt super bad though because my little sisters are down in Texas staying with my elder sister and they weren't with Mommy yesterday! But hopefully she had a nice enough day with me and her grandbabies.

It was great. I got a lovely spa trip from the girls (gramee) and also a DOUBLE JOGGER STROLLER! I am so stoked about it. It hasn't arrived yet.. but Chase bought it and ordered it and is very annoyed it hasnt showed up! It is so sweet of him to think of me here while he is away!

It is an instep stroller.. like the one below. I think anyway!

Here are a few pictures of the day. C & M are teething LIKE CRAZY.. hence them chewing on everything in sight! But I love my little bald babies.

Mothers Day has been a time of immense reflection for me. Though last year I was heavily pregnant and felt like a mother.. I had no idea what I was in for! The surge of different emotions has been intense and at times so exhausting and difficult. I feel like I am "coming out the other side" now... a better, stronger person, a MOTHER. Of course I will face a lot more difficult times as I go along my journey with the girls, but hopefully now I am learning how to cope with those things, how to overcome any hurdles we may have.

The Lord has blessed me with two beautiful baby girls, and I realise that now... he didn't give me more than I could handle, like I thought at the start.. he has given me the two greatest gifts in the whole world, and I couldn't thank or praise him enough for it.

Friday, 2 May 2008

Best friends.


I feel the picture says it all.
I am so blessed!

Friday, 25 April 2008

Giggle gurts.

OK.. first off, sorry about the last post! I thought I had uploaded pictures but they didn't come out when it posted, so hopefully I'll have better luck this time round!

My girls LOVE to laugh. They giggle at everything these days! Usually me acting like a complete and utter nutter to get them to laugh for pictures. They even laugh at each other, it's so cute.

If Madeleine will start to laugh, Corah will hear her laughing and sometimes laugh along with her! Or vice versa except it's usually Madeleine that starts off the laughter! I love it, of course I end up laughing too, we are just a houseful of laughter at the moment!

Anyway, here is a lovely laughter picture for you all, of my little piggies. Thanks to Lorna and Ryan for sending over these outfits a while ago - it's taken me until now to put them on the girls but I LOVE them. They look so cute as little piggies!

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Sorry it's so big, I had to use tinypic to post it as the uploader tool here seems no longer to be working for me and I'm scared to resize it manually here as most of the time I distort it terribly! Thanks for understand!

Chase - We have been in touch and he's doing fine. Thanks to everyone for your continued thoughts and prayers :)


Tuesday, 22 April 2008

My lil 4lbers...

... are now average weight and height :O

They are all in the 43rd percentile for everything except for Corah's weight (17.1lbs) which is down in the high 20s.. but still...

from off the scale they have grown so much! Little weeds they are.. :)

Sharing a few pictures from a few weeks ago, I have quite a few new to get updated but I'm just gonna start from the beginning!


OK... I will post more later but lets just say darn computer problems (when is this beast ever NOT causing me problems.. I swear it hates me!) but $200 down and we are back in action :)

Wednesday, 26 March 2008


Is it just me who seems to think everyone is having twins these days?

Especially celebs... I can't wait to see how Angelina Jolie does with twins. I don't know how she manages it already, I have an awful lot of respect for her even if I don't particulary think what she is doing is totally right. Man it must be difficult with 4 YOUNG kids and now twins on the way. I know how I felt during my pregnant with the girls, hopefully she's not having it too bad.

J-Lo is another who just had twins. I saw their pictures and they were nice but I mean.. who looks and does stuff like that 4 weeks after having twins?! Brought it back to me what I was like that.. times of permanently hanging around in the NICU and then when they got home trying to do anything just to get myself together!

Marcia Cross is another who had twins, though they are over a year now I think? They were born while I was still pregnant with my two... as did Dennis Quaid and Patrick Dempsey.

The celeb world is going crazy with twins. I would say it is fertility drugs that a lot of them are on.... surely the odds aren't that great?!

Saturday, 22 March 2008

Clever girl.

Look at Miss Madeleine and her new trick of sitting up. She's been at it for a few weeks but this is the first time I got a picture of her! Her sister just looks and laughs at her!

Corah is getting to be a pro at getting every last bit out of the bottle. My girl loves her milk!

So there is your update on new tricks!


Thursday, 20 March 2008

Girls love Gramee.

So I thought I should comment a bit on the Texas trip! It was so great to see everyone again and thanks to everyone that came out to see us the girls loved all the attention they got!

It was so great for the girls to see Gramee again. She is really their favorite... but shh make sure you don't tell Grampa!

Both girls enjoyed special bath treatments from Gramee. Here is Corah with her 2nd favorite girl (after Mommy of course!)

and here's Madeleine not wanting to miss out on any of the fun!

The girls miss Gramee lots already and can't wait to see her again in May if not before! We love you Gramee!

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

The girls love their gansta friends.

Over on the "McLurkers" thread on July 07 babycenter, we got this siggy made of the kids all with their gansta names. I think it's too cute to pass up on! These are all C & M 's cyber friends! We love y'all!

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and just to all of you on the August board, my bumblebee girls, I miss you! I need to get on more often I know I promise I will try and check in with you sometime but I hope you are all good! My lil leos too haven't been on there so often recently, it's just so difficult with 8 month old monsters to be looking after!

But this is just a special shout out to my friends on bbc, love you girls! Ok now I'm reallly sad.

Just to make this into a proper blog, the girls are good. They are getting more like monsters everyday! I love having Claire here to help with them though, they love her and they love the attention!


Sunday, 9 March 2008

He's gone :(

Chase left yesterday morning. I'm surprisingly ok about it so far, I know I miss him but I have to say the girls here are so great and so strong I know I can't... be.. not strong.

We took advantage of the nice weather on Friday afternoon to take some pics.

Daddy definitely dressed up for the occasion in his.. "beer is better than women because.." t-shit. Oh always the charmer Chase.

As you can see Corah and Madeleine weren't in the best mood for pictures, but at least they didn't cry! We got a few nice shots and they'll be nice to look back on. Our last family picture for a while!

Amy xo

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Enjoying these last few days together.

So weird to think soon I won't have Chase beside me anymore :( At least not in the literal sense. But I know he will still be there, that he'll be thinking of us all and will miss the girls like crazy!

This makes me cry every time. I listened to this video every day while Chase was in Iraq and it made me feel better, warm inside knowing he was there. I know this time he isn't going there but this video still means a lot to me and I thought it would be nice to share!


Saturday, 1 March 2008

Stupid computer.

Aw man. More computer issues. I don't know what was wrong with it this time but it just wouldn't switch on. We tried everything but it just decided it wasn't going to switch on. Took it in to the shop and within about an hour they rang us back saying it was fixed. After we had already waited like a week to see if it would fix itself! It just takes huffs with me every so often I think.

Anyway the girls are great. They are growing like weeds I don't think their Easter dresses are going to fix them, but I'm not upset about an excuse to take pics of them in their dresses early! I got a few great shots, so hard to get ones of them both smiling!

How cute are they?!

Chase is leaving so soon. I'm starting to freak out about it all, I know we have managed it before and it isn't for as long this time. But 3 months without him is still a long time, especially when we have two babies who are getting more mobile by the day! That really freaks me out. But I know it must be done and it's part of his job and who we are as a family. I support him 100% in it and I know it is right for us, and we can get through it all. Please keep us in your prayers at the moment however, they always help!

Amy xx

Friday, 22 February 2008

We Love Our Daddy.

Ok... so most of you know Chase is leaving again for another deployment next month. I am aware of the fact this is a public blog and therefore will not be posting any information about dates or locations, if you're interested (within reason and I know you or follow your blog or whatever), you can catch me at

Here is Daddy and his princess Madeleine! My two bald heads! Oh how we will all miss him. I guess that's what you have to deal with being married to a military man. People ask me all the time how I do it. It is nearly a common as the "how do you do it with twins?" question. With the twins I did not choose to have twins, I guess you could say I chose to be a military wife. But I love my life and would do anything for Chase.

I support and respect him 100% in what he wants to do. This is what he wants to do and being a marine family really isn't that bad. I love the people and living on base, the houses might not be the "best", but there are so many other people in the same circumstances near by, there are all ammenities within the base.

I have met so many other strong woman through this. I will miss him terribly, and I am upset that he will miss 3 months of the girls' lives, but I will be sure to update him with pics and I know it is what he has to do.

Please pray for us! Thank youu, Amy xo

PS - I will be up in Texas from 15th - 22nd March so if you are interested in meeting up and I haven't already contacted you (may have forgotten), please email me!

Monday, 18 February 2008

My little fighter.

After having Corah at her physio on Friday, I just wanted to reflect on her. How much of a fighter she is, she truly is amazing. Every new little thing EITHER of the girls does amazes me, but the things that Corah came through I don't think I truly appreciated until I look back now and realize how great she came through them all.

This was her barely a day old. She had trouble breathing, after having placenta previa affect her placenta, IUGR and cord problems. She was 4lb 8oz, though perfect. She spent over 3 weeks in the NICU, while her sister was at home with us for most of those.

That part for me was the hardest. Harder than any part of the pregnancy, having one baby at home and the other at hospital. I longer for them to be together, but obviously Corah couldn't come home and Madeleine couldn't come to the hospital.

But she did return home. Ever since then she has been doing great. She was 3 weeks of growing behind her sister but she just loves copying her and beating her to the milestones. LOL. She won't learn to sit up / crawl / walk as fast as Madeleine will, but she will cross that when she needs to. Her neck is still problematic but we hope it will not have any long term effects for her. You would not recognize that little fragile, sick looking baby today. She is a happy, healthy 7 month old, as are both our girls.

Here is a new picture for me to show off, they just love being naked!

Maddie is always quite the expert at looking straight into the camera, Corah not so much!

Amy xx

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Honey I'm Home!

We are home. Wow what a time. I can truly say it was one of the most amazing vacations. Not so much that is was long or even that it was NYC, just the time for Chase and I together. I think it was a very spiritual and just, joining experience. I guess you never realize what you have let go off in your love life till you take a step back and look at it?

It is certainly true I had just been taking life so fast since the twins. Everything happened at once: deployment, pregnancy, TWINS, the big move.... I've just forgotten to relax, and look back at things and realize how blessed I am. I have a fantastic husband and two beautiful daughters.

On the topic of the girls, I missed them so much. We were only away from them for 4 days, but in those days they seem to have grown so much even then. I love my babies!

I arrived home today to find this sitting waiting on the table for me:


Oh yeah! Chase bought it to me for Valentines Day. I know I am a complete dunce but I hope with a bit of practise someday I will master it. He was so kind to me. He bought me the most beautiful ring which he gave to me in New York for our wedding anniversary too. It is truly gorgeous, I love this guy. So weird to think over two years have passed since our wedding day, but times really does fly.

Ok that's enough for now, but we had a fantastic trip, a great experience. Hope you are all well!

Amy x

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Hey from New York!

I love this place... I have am having an amazing time, and a fantastic time with my sweeetie. I'm just reflecting how we've been married 2 years now. Our lives have changed so much in the last year, but I love him with all of my heart and personally I think we make a pretty good team!

Although I do miss my babies and can't wait to see them again! But I am having a fantastic and beautiful, romantic time!


Saturday, 9 February 2008

Mommys little wriggly worm!

Madeleine is in love with rolling about everywhere. She would roll from one side of the room to the other for the whole day if I let her I think! Corah is a lot happier to stay in one place, but Madeleine, oh no, shes my little wild child, soo active! I know she is going to be the one I will have to chase round everywhere when she finds her feet!

The girls are doing great. I think they are getting SO big although they are still in 3-6mos clothing. The oneise Madeleine has on in this pic is 3-6mos and its still big on her, and bear in mind she is bigger than Corah too! But I am happy with them, the Dr is happy with them coming along and they eat so much.

I have now started them on solids and they LOVE their cereal. They get two feedings of cereal a day and I'm hoping to maybe introduce veggies in a few weeks, once they get used to this cereal!

Amy x

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Green Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph

Green Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Free genealogy - Family reunion

The missing triplet.

The girls had a playdate with their good friend Jayden last week, they LOVED it. I think we will have to be having these playdates more often, they all got on together great, she really is their missing triplet!

They are doing not so good, teething a lot. Poor little things. Corah was up most of the night being whiney, and although Madeleine slept well she is being cranky as well. It's weird how they are getting their first tooth at the exact same time, it's the first milestone they have really hit slap bang together.

Everything else is good though. I am getting SUPER excited about going to New York :-) Yeah.

I know this is slightly late but we had a great time on superbowl day! :D We had a few friends round and had a lovely time, and of course the Giants won oh yeah! I'm not much into sports but I love the atmosphere! Hope y'all are well

Amy x

Sunday, 3 February 2008

Corah says...

"Leave me alone lady too many pics already"

How cute is she?!

Ok, how is everyone enjoying the superbowl? I LOVE superbowl day.. but guess whos on here posting on the bloggy instead! I will be going back to it soon though.. we have a few of Chase's friends over at ours and all the kids are playing.. I love having more people here the older kids are so great with the twins as well they love them!

But anyway, hope everyone enjoys their superbowl day and GO GIANTS! :D

Friday, 1 February 2008

February already? - Finally Baptism pics too!

Ok I will start off with the pics I owed you guys from last blog, SORRY I haven't got them up I'm not sure whether its blogspot or my comp but it wasn't letting me put them up! :-( Enjoy... and HOW different are the girls? Oh yeah. Madeleine is deffos Chase's and Corah is MINES! :-P

But anyway, now it's February. Time goes so quickly! Next month Chase is leaving us... I don't want him to. Just thinking about being cold in bed and worrying again, just... worries me. How the hell will I manage?! I know this time he's not going to as dangerous a country (for our safety, and as this is a public blog, I am not giving out exact locations), but.. I still worry. But, I guess, I just will.

The girls are doing great! I have started them on solids and they LOVE it. They love all their cereal, can't get enough of it! They can make a super big mess too! They are still bf'ing and I love it. It is a lot less of the time but I want to keep at it a bit until 9mos, even though I can't do the tandem anymore. I just love being a Mommy!

Amy x

Monday, 28 January 2008

The twins baptism.

The girls got baptized yesterday. It was a LOVELY day, and a great day had by all. We kept it all low key, and as my family were here we just went out for a meal with them. I loved the day and hope everyone else did too! Everyone made such lovely comments at church and the girls did look angelic in their dresses! They were on their super best behaviour and neither of them cried at all during the service, though stayed wide awake for most of it! They certainly enjoyed dressing up like princesses and getting all the attention!

I will either edit this later and add pictures or post a new entry with pictures as the darn picture uploader thingy isn't working right now ;-(

Mom, Dad and the 3 muskateers (Sam just LOVES me saying this... loveee you sis :P) left today. I miss them already. We took them to the airport this morning and said bye... I miss them all. I can't wait to get down to see you all down there in the dirty south in MARCH... I will DEFINITELY be down then I just haven't decided how long for yet!

Chase and I had a good talk in the car on the way home from the airport today and I can happily say everything is great between us again. It has been while my parents have been here but we have just put to the side talking about "the argument". I hope he has learnt his lesson!

Amy x

Saturday, 26 January 2008

My Mommmy is here ;D

I am so excited my family are here! 3 months without seeing them for me is a LONG time. Especially living away in a new place, not knowing many people.

I guess it just brings it back how much I really do miss them. Family mean so much to me, I don't care if it means we are squashed in our little house right now, I would happily sleep on the floor for the rest of my life to have my parents here! Also Samantha, Jessica and Michaela are here.. my LITTLE sisters. I love these guys, even if their reason for coming was to get a week off school!

Here are my two little sisters with my two little babies! :

For you guys down in Texas who I miss SO much, I'm just letting you know I am planning to come down in March sometime, not long how long I will be staying for just yet, but I will be travelling alone with two babies. Yeah I'm brave!

Also the girls are getting baptized tomorrow. I can't wait, hopefully the Lord will bless us with a wonderful day!

Just letting you all know, I have changed my blog so you don't need to have a blogger account to leave me a comment... I love comments so come out and leave me a comment ;-)

Amy xo

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Getting so big!


aren't they just the cutest things EVER?!?!??!

I love this pic... its like two old men sitting looking at each other, LOL! They love their bebe pods, best things ever!

They are so different though, its amazing how two babies who can be so alike in ways can be so different in others.

Corah is the quieter, easier to cope with baby! She SLEEPS and loves the swinging chair. She is like her Mommy although she is a total Daddys girl!

Madeleine is just my little wild child... I know she will be already. She loves babbling away and jumping in the jumperoo... with her boundless energy!

I am just so lucky!

At their 6 month appt. Madeleine was 14lb even and Corah is 13lb 10oz.... pretty good I think! For being so tiny at birth... neither Chase or I are "big" people anyway so I don't expect them to be massive...

My Mommy is coming tomorrow.... ooh yeah! I am so excited!

Amy xo

Sunday, 20 January 2008

Vent.... gah.

Ok... as I know only people who are silly enough with no life (Claireeeeee) read this... I am just so fed up right now.. and I actually couldn't care less who reads this but anyway.

Chase is taking me to NY in Feb..... for Valentines and wedding anni treat... and I am soo excited seriously... he is such a caring guy when he wants to be. He is getting deployed March time and I know how hard that is for him to be away from the girls and stuff... so I don't like giving him a hard time but sometimes I just feel like he doesn't care anymore.

I have ASKED him not to smoke in front of the kids.... he knows how much I hate smoking and I didnt like him doing it in the house before they arrived and especially not now. I understand it is cold outside but I don't want passive smoking getting involved with the babies. He will not effing smoke outside... ugh.

He went out last night over to his friends (no names being mentioned)... to play the xbox, as usual. Leaves me with the girls.. which I am fine with I love spending time with my babies I gues... its just hard when its just me and them.. I miss my friends and I miss my family... I miss being able to just pop round to see them all.. I still call lots but its not the same I wish they were just here..

So anyway he goes out to play the xbox I asked him to be back by 10 because that meant the girls would be sleeping, and I would have maybe 30mins or so to myself to have a bath and stuff and hopefully we could have some us time when he got home ;)

But nooooo... 10.30 comes and I ring his cell... he doesn't answer. Ugh. I think he might be driving or something so to leave it... then 15 mins later I know he couldn't have been driving so I ring the house.. well anyway his wife answers and I feel like a right tool having to ring to check up on my husband. I ask to speak to him and she says fine... well he gets on the phone and it has been damn obvious he has been drinking...

I mean I drink too its not like since we've had the children I've just lost my ways.. I'm just a bit more mature about the things I do and I wish he would be too. He didn't even think of anything because now he has been drinking he has the car over there so he CANT drive home... ugh they only live 5 mins away so he could have walked... but no he didnt walk because "its too cold".. and then i say well can you walk home now and he says he doesn't have a jacket, I mean by this stage I just wanted him to freeze to death...

I didn't even have the car to go over and get him.... there was NO way I was either leaving the girls to walk over and drive him home or getting them up to walk over... noooo way.. so then ugh I am so fed up with him... tell him to stuff it.

So last night he slept over at their house on the sofa while I was over here with the girls because "they offered him beer" and he didn't want to say no.. what a complete and utter crap excuse. He knew he had the car with him anyway it wasn't hard... and I'm sorry but in the state he was in I wasn't letting him drive home either even if it wasnt far.

I am just so fed up it has come to things like this. I want him to be the loving guy I know he is all the time..... I guess all people have problems sometimes but I hate the way I know the loving guy he can be and how I am so much in love with him but sometimes he doesn't seem to care..

and oh yeah I hate the way that now I feel I'm being too harsh on him because "he is a man" and "he is getting deployed for 3 months"... oh what the hero. ugh.

OK to cheer me up here are a few new pictures of my babies

Amy xx

Wednesday, 16 January 2008


have passed since we welcomed our two little princesses in the world.. tomorrow.

So weird they will be 6 months old, it still feels like yesterday I found out I was pregnant! I am kinda sad they are growing up so quickly, but it is all so excited they are starting out on a new chapter of their lives!

So funny to think they were so tiny with problems at birth and now they are just like any other 5 month olds, a LITTLE below average, but definitely still Mommys chunky monkeys! I have taken a good few pictures and I will post them tomorrow!

We are not celebrating tomorrow but will celebrate when Mom, Dad and Sam, Jessica and Michaela come down to see us at the end of Jan! We will hopefully go out for a nice meal.. yum!

So just a little intro before tomorrow, it's a big day! Amy

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Saying goodbye to 07, and hello to 08!

Happy New Year from Chase, Amy, Corah and Madeleine (who has gotten the marine face down to a tee!!)

Ok, so it's a new year. Just thought I'd reflect back on the year that's already been. Probably the best year of my life, though it could so easily have gone other ways. This time last year we were still oblivious to the fact there were 2 babies inside me - and also coming to terms with the fact Chase would be on a 6 month deployment, unsure of whether he would make it home for the birth. I then found out I had two babies... twins. I was scared and unsure of everything, how I would manage a twin pregnancy without him here.

But we did it, we managed it. Chase came home on 6th July, and came straight to me in hospital (they ended up discharing me within two more days anyway!)... and was with me when Corah and Madeleine were delivered on the 17th. I thank God everyday for giving me two such beautiful and angelic children, who were patient enough to wait inside Mommy until 37w 2d (pretty darn good for twins!!). They are coming along so well, due to their problems at the start. 4lb 8oz Corah spent 3 weeks in the NICU and now has to attend physio for problems in her neck - she has IUGR, I had a partial placenta abruption and she was born with the cord in tangles round her neck. Madeleine was 4lb 10oz, also IUGR, she was small, but healthy. They amazed me from day one, and now I have two chunky monkeys to contend with! They really are the most adorable children.

I cannot wait until late January my Mommy and other members of the family are coming up for the girls' baptism! I am so excited to see them all again and also to get the girls baptised :D

Ok, here are some prof. pictures we done on the 27th, I think they turned out pretty well, and I added on a darling siggy my friend Sarah (thank you sweetie!), made at the end. Isn't it amazing?

I can't wait until this new year! I feel like I can now take on any challenge. People said I wasn't ready for 1 baby, and I hope I have proved them wrong! God has given us the strength to perhaps overcome the immature ways we once had, and being a Mom has been the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I cannot wait for a new year with my beautiful family. Seeing my girls attempt new things, hopefully learn to walk, say Momma for the first time.... seeing them smile and hearing their laugh ever day, makes my life worthwhile.

Amy x